ReactJS - Template Method Pattern

Written by Hand

The Template Method Pattern let you redefine certain steps of an algorithm without changing the algorithm’s structure. It is important for the UI design


1 Using mixin as the parent class

var parentMixin = {
    render: function () {
        var abstract = this.abstractMethod();
        return (
                ..html code here
                ..other html 

the parentMixin make the abstractMethod which is implemented by the children . As the children like this:

2 Implement method at children

var Child = React.createClass({
    mixins: [parentMixin], // Use the mixin
    abstractMethod: function() {
           // implementation

So the children has no render() method. In stead it has method abstractMethod(). The common code is put in the mixin and the child’s row is ‘fill the block’

3 Detect method existing

We can add some check code at the render() of mixin

var parentMixin = {
    render: function () {
        /**Check method*/
        if(!_.isFunction(this.abstractMethod)) {
             return <div>
                 Your component require to implement abstractMethod() method
        var abstract = this.abstractMethod();
        return (
                ..html code here
                ..other html 